Turning Challenges Into Growth Opportunities
So what now? We are in a time of uncertainty rivaling any most of us have experienced. I found recently that a web-based journal for emergency preparedness noted that unprecedented was the word of the year for 2019. I wonder what word they will possibly choose for 2020? I am sure that each one of us is […]
Standing Up for Life at the Lincoln County Fair
Like thousands of other Oregonians, Susan Morrison is deeply disappointed that there will be no county fairs this year. Her reasons, however, have nothing to do with the rides, games or concerts one usually finds at her local Lincoln County Fair. Instead, Morrison is heartbroken that she and her fellow Central Coast chapter members of […]
No Pause for Pro-Lifers in Pandemic Primary
One of the most unique elections in Oregon history took place on May 19. In the midst of a worldwide pandemic and unprecedented stay-at-home orders, primary election voters across the state made their voices heard. The perseverance of pro-life voters was felt during these extraordinary times as results rolled in on election night. In Oregon’s […]
Oregon Wraps Up Legislative Session
By Liberty Pike Every other year, Oregon has a short legislative session which was originally intended to handle emergencies and funding issues. Unfortunately, the Democrat supermajority in the Oregon Legislature doesn’t abide by those standards, like when they rammed through House Bill 4135 in 2018. (Read all about HB 4135 by googling “ORTL HB 4135.”) […]
Health Authority Releases 2019 Death with Dignity Report
By Crystal Kupper, Editor, Life in Oregon The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) released their latest data summary of the state’s Death with Dignity Act (DWDA). The law — in effect since 1998 — allows Oregonians with terminal illnesses the right to kill themselves with governmental blessing through ingestion of death-inducing pharmaceuticals. DWDA requires annual information […]