A Faithful Marcher
A lot of things have changed since 1975. But for Scotts Mills resident Susan Bielenberg, there has been at least one constant: Oregon Right to Life’s (ORTL) annual March for Life rally held each January. Bielenberg has attended nearly every single one since the first rally — meant to commemorate Roe v Wade, the 1974 […]
Remember ORTL with Your Estate Planning
Legacies are made by the impact of our lives upon others. A person is remembered for the weight of their character, marks of accomplishment, depth of compassion, personal warmth, generosity and values. Our legacy helps guide those who come after us. Thoughtful estate planning is one means to leave a positive legacy and help people […]
Counties Rally to Remember Disastrous Roe Decision
Rolling with the COVID Punches
By Joan Sage, M.D. | ORTLEF Board President This March marks a year since the storm started – devastating losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic and severe governmental restrictions. In the midst of these challenges, you might agree that pausing to give thanks can be helpful. Besides a sustaining faith, I am particularly thankful for […]