Change in Oregon is Possible
Abortion was never talked about in my house growing up. The pro-life concept was just another one that came with my Christian faith, but I can’t confidently say I knew what that concept truly meant. It wasn’t until high school that I began to hear the debates circulating in the classroom or discussions starting at […]
Salem-Based Family Landscaping Business Plants Pro-Life Values
“BEING PRO-LIFE IS AN AREA WHERE CHRISTIAN BUSINESSES NEED TO HAVE A BIGGER VOICE” Visitors to Arne Jensen Landscaping’s website may notice an unusual sentence prominently displayed at the top of the page: “After all, we were meant to live in a garden.” A reference to the biblical garden of Eden, the father-and-son landscaping team […]
Dobbs Anniversary Brings Hope
FROM THE DIRECTOR June 24 is the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade. This is a victory day for pro-lifers! The court held: “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” I don’t think […]
ORTLEF pro-life county & state fair booths June – September for ORTLEF volunteer information A Night for Advocacy annual benefit dinner With special speaker Pam TebowSaturday, September 16 in Salem Learn more at and see sponsors Celebrate Life! A Week of Pro-life Action June 26 through July 1
Pro-Life Senators Walk Out in Protest
“Are there unintended consequences with this and other bills? Citizens and organizations like Oregon Right to Life will only know if the bill passes and people start to see them in practice.” As of press time, nearly all of Oregon’s pro-life senators are refusing to participate in scheduled floor sessions in protest against multiple bills […]