THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST’S LARGEST PRO-LIFE CONFERENCE! March 2, 2024 • 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Rolling Hills Community Church in Tualatin • General sessions with exciting speakers • Workshops featuring local and national pro-life leaders • Networking and sharing opportunities with pro-life advocates Together We Advocate 2024 offers an experience that will make you a […]

Hundreds Journey to Participate in First Ontario 40 Days for Life Campaign

“PEOPLE ARE DRIVING AN HOUR TO GET ABORTIONS, SO WE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO DRIVE THAT HOUR TO CHANGE SOMEONE’S HEART AND MIND ABOUT ABORTION” Pro-life advocates showed up by the hundreds to participate in the inaugural 40 Days for Life Ontario campaign.  In spring 2023, Planned Parenthood opened an Ontario location just across […]

Change in Oregon is Possible

Abortion was never talked about in my house growing up. The pro-life concept was just another one that came with my Christian faith, but I can’t confidently say I knew what that concept truly meant. It wasn’t until high school that I began to hear the debates circulating in the classroom or discussions starting at […]