ORTLEF Contest Winners

Congratulations to the first, second, and third place winners in the recent ORTLEF Essay, Drawing, Oratory, and Short Film Contests. Contest winners were announced at the annual conference. To view all the winners works of art visit our Contest Winners 2017 page. ORATORY CONTEST: • […]
The Story of a Prudent Benefactor

Like so many adults, Prudence owns stock. She has retirement accounts and investment accounts, which include mutual funds and individual stocks. Periodically, Prudence reviews her portfolio to see which securities are increasing in value and which are declining. Some of her holdings have appreciated nicely over time. Being charitably minded toward Oregon Right to Life […]
The Truth About Planned Parenthood Closures

Hardly a month goes by without reading that another Planned Parenthood facility is closing. The news is received with much joy and fanfare. Each and every closure is a victory because it will impact the number of babies and parents who will be spared the horrific ramifications of abortion. But, before we uncork the champagne […]
Action Alert – Volunteer For Your County’s Summer Fair Booth!

Oregon Right to Life needs your help with our pro-life educational displays at county fairs around the state. Please join this educational effort aimed at changing people’s hearts and minds about abortion and other life issues by volunteering at a fair booth in your community. Training is available. For more information, call our office at […]
Life Notes

Daleiden charges dropped The San Francisco Superior Court dropped 14 of 15 charges against pro-life investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. In a huge pro-life victory, the court ruled that counts 1-14 were legally insufficient. Daleiden and Merritt’s undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted body parts such as fetal brains and livers. […]
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