Senate Vote on Replacing Obamacare Postponed

After announcing that the Senate would vote during the last week in June on a bill to replace Obamacare, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delayed the vote. Following months of trying to iron out language that will keep both liberal and conservatives happy, there was not enough support to pass the bill. McConnell expects a […]
Advance Directives

The 2017 legislative battle over proposed deadly changes to Oregon’s advance directive has highlighted the importance of this document. Oregon has a good advance directive and Oregonians should take advantage of this document which addresses health care decisions at the end of life. Advance directives become essential when a person becomes unable to make health […]
States Pass Pro-Life Laws

Over the past year, pro-lifers in states across the country have worked to pass legislation in their states that protects the lives of unborn babies, the infirm, and the elderly. Here are examples of pro-life victories in these states: Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson (R) signed legislation making Arkansas the tenth state to ban sex selection abortions […]
POLST Can Be Dangerous

Anyone who has entered a hospital or health care facility has likely experienced being handed a POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) form to fill out. A POLST form is different from an Advance Directive. POLST forms are routinely handed out to patients with the intent that the patient fill them out before receiving […]
Precious Pockets

It’s hard to miss fair and festival season in Oregon. It is a busy time for pro-life education! Pro-life booths will pop up all over Oregon filled with interactive displays, models of human development, information about abortion procedures, and compelling video, all designed to draw passersby into the fascinating and real world of human development […]
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