Senate Bill 494: Victory and Vigilance!

Senate Bill 494, which would have allowed the starvation and dehydration of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, took its final breaths in the House Judiciary Committee before it met a timely death. The bill died because of many forces at work: God’s miraculous goodness, a vast army of pro-life Oregonians who called and emailed their senators, […]
2017 Upcoming Events

State and County Fairs July through August Uncork and Unwind! Reception Thursday, August 31 6:30 to 8:30 pm Lady Hill Winery 8400 Champoeg Rd. NE St. Paul, OR 97137 For tickets, call 503-304-1531 A family-friendly evening of food, fellowship, music, and wine tasting! Tickets sales and donations benefit the life-saving ministry of More […]
Sweet Victory!

Our battle for the lives of innocents, those patients who are conscious but incompetent, has a happy ending! After Senate Bill 494 passed in the Senate (17-13), the deadly bill went to the House. Because of excellent work by pro-life House members, SB 494 was referred to the House Judiciary Committee, killing the bill. Oregon […]
Lessons Learned in the Oregon Legislature

This summer is a time of transition for our PAC as the legislative session wraps up and Lois Anderson prepares to become Oregon Right to Life’s executive director. I’ve learned that it’s helpful to process what each season teaches us and use that to plan for next time. I want to share some observations about […]
School Board Election Victories!

Pro-life voices on school boards are important for several reasons. Not only do school board members affect education policy, they become community leaders with influence beyond their offices. Most importantly, their efforts keep Planned Parenthood away from our children. On May 16, pro-lifers made a difference in several school board elections. Here are the highlights: […]
Tagged jesse lippoldkathy gosskeizermarty heyenpro-life school boardsalemschool boards