Our Compassionate Message

I had an epiphany sitting at Launch (formerly Camp Joshua) at 16 years old. I witnessed a panel of post-abortive women speak about the complex trauma and pain they experienced. These women described situations in life that felt impossible to them at the time and which ultimately led them to abortion. In each story, I […]
Together We Advocate 2020

The Largest Pro-Life Conference in the PNW February 29, 2020Rolling Hills Community ChurchTualatin, Oregon General sessions with exciting speakers Workshops featuring local and national pro-life leaders that will help you effectively advocate in your family, community and beyond Networking and sharing with pro-life advocates from all over the PNW You may register online at togetherweadvocate.org or call […]
March for Life

We’re just over a month away from the Oregon March for Life on Saturday, January 25. Dr. Karen Gaffney of Portland is our featured speaker. She is an accomplished human rights advocate, achieving an honorary doctorate. Dr. Gaffney is also a renowned long-distance swimmer, conquering the English Channel and Lake Tahoe, among other large bodies […]