2020 ORTLEF Contests

“Life is a Beautiful Story” The Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation contest program provides the opportunity for pro-life students to engage in the creative process in a way that inspires excellence and lifelong advocacy. 2020 Contest Theme: “Life is a Beautiful Story” Contest Categories: Drawing Kinder — 12th grade Oratory 11th and 12th grades Short Film: […]
20/20 Vision

Seeing Oregon’s euthanasia trajectory clearly The term “twenty-twenty” conjures up thoughts of the New Year, elections, hindsight and visual acuity. It incites me to make sure we all see clearly Oregon’s end-of-life landscape, the path the culture of assisted suicide activism is aiming to take us, and the threat that trajectory poses to all of […]
They’re Not Outliers. They’re the Face of Legal Abortion

Many Americans are reeling from the news that deceased abortionist George Klopfer stockpiled 2,246 bodies of his aborted victims in his Illinois home. The White House called for an investigation and the Attorneys General in both Illinois and Indiana announced they will launch a probe. If abortion advocates claim this abortionist is just an outlier […]
Congressman Greg Walden Announces Retirement

At the end of October, Congressman Greg Walden announced he will not be seeking re-election. He has served as the congressional representative from House District 2 since 1998. Representative Greg Walden has a strong pro-life voting record and was endorsed in 2018 by the National Right to Life Committee. In 2017 he voted in favor […]
Bittersweet Changes

I used to say when I was political director–and I still believe it is true—that working for Oregon Right to Life PAC is the best political job in the state. Of course, this is primarily because we are working together in the great human rights movement of our time. It is also because, over the […]