Roe v. Wade Memorial & March

Please join us as we return to Pioneer Courthouse Square in the heart of downtown Portland for our annual gathering to commemorate the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. Given the current political climate, we are planning for a large turnout and are encouraging all pro-lifers to join us […]
Oregon Man Opposes Wife’s Feeding

In Southern Oregon, Bill Harris is trying to stop the feeding of his wife Nora Harris, an Alzheimer’s patient. Harris is blunt about his desire that Nora no longer be fed. “I want her to pass. I want her to end her suffering. It’s not a right-to-life issue. It’s a right-to-die-issue.” Nora Harris, 64, was […]
Oregon GOP Unanimously Denounces Euthanasia

At the end of October, Republican delegates from across Oregon met in Bend to update the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) Platform. This document is critical because it explains the pro-life position of the only major party in Oregon that takes a stand in defense of life from conception to natural death. In light of the […]
Pro-Life Momentum in Washington, D.C.
We are now nearly a year into President Trump’s presidency. The wheels of the federal government do indeed turn slowly, and many critical pro-life laws have yet to be passed. However, there have been a number of significant pro-life achievements for which pro-lifers can be thankful. Judge Neil Gorsuch was appointed to the U.S. Supreme […]
Every Abortion Should Cause a Public Outcry
Every movement has some people involved who do not represent it well. Representative Tim Murphy of Ohio was recently revealed as one of those people inside the pro-life movement. Rep. Murphy had an affair and then tried to cover it up by suggesting his mistress have an abortion. Abortion rights activists cried, “hypocrite,” and potentially […]
Tagged abortion