Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Numbers All Time high

The Oregon Health Authority released its latest report on the “Death With Dignity” Act (DWDA) which legalized physician-assisted suicide. In 2018, the number of Oregonians reported to have committed assisted suicide and the number of obtained lethal prescriptions were both record highs. There were 168 assisted suicides, up from 158 in 2017. Two hundred and […]
Fatal Flaws Screening

William Toffler, M.D., Charles Bentz, M.D., Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, and Kenneth Stevens, M.D. and President of Physicians for Compassionate Care attended the Portland area screening of Fatal Flaws. Fatal Flaws is a documentary film that seeks to discover the truth about how euthanasia and assisted suicide are impacting the […]
Action Alert Apr-May 2019

Support The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act In The State Legislature Did you know that Oregon has no legal protections for unborn babies from conception to birth? You may have heard about politicians in other states speaking in support of infanticide. But did you know that Oregon does not even require medical care for babies born […]
Life Notes Apr-May 2019

Trump’s pro-life commitment On January 18, President Trump sent a video message to participants in the annual March for Life, the nation’s largest pro-life demonstration. Trump promised, “Today I have signed a letter to Congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I […]
Together We Advocate 2019

The Pacific Northwest’s largest pro-life conference! April 6, 2019 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Lunch included) Rolling Hills Community Church Tualatin, Oregon 3550 SW Borland Rd. General sessions with exciting speakers. Workshops featuring local and national pro-life leaders that will help you effectively advocate in your family, community, the Legislature and beyond. Networking and sharing […]