Abortion: a cog in the human trafficking machine Human trafficking is the second largest crime industry, trailing only illegal drugs. The money- driven industry, which exploits innocent and vulnerable people, is heavily dependent upon the abortion industry to function at its maximum capacity. Nita Belles, of Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans, reports that a trafficker with […]
Oregon Assisted Suicide Numbers Up, Safeguards Not Working
The Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) 2017 report on physician-assisted suicide reveals the annual increase in physician-assisted suicide deaths has accelerated in recent years. In the last four years, death numbers have doubled from 73 in 2013 to 143 in 2017 (although 218 lethal prescriptions were actually written last year). Richard Doerflinger, an associate scholar with […]
States Pass More Than 50 Pro-life Laws in 2017
This is a time of unprecedented momentum in passing pro-life laws. Over 30 percent of all such laws have been enacted in the last six years, with more than 50 each year since 2011. Examples include an Alabama law that allows health care providers to refuse to participate in abortion, an Arkansas law banning abortions […]
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