Where’s Williamson?

Oregon Right to Life Community Outreach Director Makyra Williamson travels all over Oregon to spread the pro-life message and empower local pro-life advocates to work together to build a culture of life. Each star in the graphic below represents a place Williamson has traveled this summer! See below for a detailed list of her stops. […]

No, Georgia’s Pro-Life Law Was Not Responsible for the Deaths of Two Moms

Recent headlines have inaccurately asserted that Georgia’s pro-life legislation was to blame for two Georgia women’s deaths.

Kamala Harris Misled on Late-Term Abortions, Infanticide During Presidential Debate

Pro-life apologist Trent Horn takes apart Kamala Harris’ false claims.

‘True Freedom’: Oregon Rape Survivor Shares Personal Testimony on Choosing Life

‘Regardless of how my baby was conceived, I knew he was also a victim of the perpetrator and rape.’

‘I’m Glad He’s Mine’: Oregon Mom Talks Raising Son with Down Syndrome

“Reflecting on how Paul has come to be who he is, I give credit to the many supports we have received along the way…”
