The Next Generation

Twenty pairs of eyes eagerly watching; hands waving in the air in order to have an urgent question answered; fingers rapidly writing notes from the speaker’s talk…
Political Armageddon Is Here

Heaven’s recent gain in receiving the soul of Justice Anthony Scalia is America’s tragic loss. Justice Scalia, recognized by both friend and foe to be one of America’s top legal minds of all times, had been on the Supreme Court for almost 30 years. He was known for his brilliant defense of “textualism”—the belief that […]
Planned Parenthood, OHSU, And Aborted Baby Body Parts.
This summer, the Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of 11 videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal organs. According to federal law, selling fetal organs for profit is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Once these videos became public, the U.S. Congress held a hearing […]
Tipping My Hats

At one time in my life I was known as the “hat lady”. Consequently my closet is full of hats, fancy hats, cowboy hats, hats to match any color of outfit, and, because of my bout with cancer, many cute baseball hats! I am going to tip them all this month to my many good […]

Rallies. Protests. Counter-protests. Oregon communities have had plenty of these this summer, with more on the way. What are they all about? Undercover videos. In June, the Center for Medical Progress began releasing investigative videos garnered in conversations with high-ranking national leaders of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The discussions revealed that many Planned Parenthood […]