Parents Can Make Key Difference in School Board Elections

David Kilada, ORTL PAC Guest Columnist “I wanted to help but didn’t know there was an election.” Those were the words of a parent upset about what was happening in his kids’ schools but had no idea the deadline to file to run for school board was approaching. After years of working on campaigns, I am […]
From the Director, Where to Get Started in Pro-Life Work in Oregon

It’s been over six months, yet some days I still can’t believe it. I am a proud member of the post-Roe generation. But now what? Since Dobbs, I’ve taken time to reflect on all the determination and perseverance it took to get here and how I, as a pro-life woman, can continue that momentum in a post-Roe world. […]
Pro-Abortion Work Group Formed in Oregon

After the unprecedented leak of an entire Supreme Court opinion in May last year, Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield announced the Reproductive Health and Access to Care Work Group. Composed almost entirely of extreme pro-abortion activists, this work group “aimed to protect, strengthen and expand” abortion access. In December, they published a report containing a […]
Upcoming Events 2023

Together We Advocate conference Saturday, March 48 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.Rolling Hills Community Church, Tualatin For more informationvisit Launch retreat Sunday, March 26 –Wednesday, March 29Macleay Retreat Center, SalemApply at A Night for Advocacy annual benefit dinner Saturday, September 16SalemLearn more at
Thousands gather for first post-roe Oregon march for life

Despite the chilly weather and overcast skies, more than 3,000 pro-life advocates gathered in Salem for the first post-Roe March for Life in Oregon on Saturday, January 28. This year’s March featured Representative Tracy Cramer as emcee. Speakers included Archbishop Alexander Sample, Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) President Melody Durrett, Cindy Brunk of Silent No More, […]