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ACTION ALERT The Oregon Legislative short session is in full swing. Oregon Right to Life has worked with pro-life legislators to craft legislation for this session including Senate Bill 513, or the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act. This Act limits abortions after 15 weeks gestational age. In the House, the Every Mother Matters Act will help […]

Life in Oregon Wants to Hear Your Pro-Life Story

Some of us were raised in pro-life households, others became pro-life after an abortion and still others have witnessed firsthand the havoc that abortion wreaks on society. Maybe some Oregonians started valuing unborn life because of education or help you received through Oregon Right to Life. We at Life in Oregon want to hear those stories from […]

How to Contact Your State & Federal Representatives

Despite the too-easy jokes about politicians, our elected representatives hold their jobs for one reason: to serve the people. These men and women cannot know how best to represent their constituents, however, if communication between the two parties is non-existent. Especially with moral issues like abortion, assisted suicide and stem cell research, our legislators need […]

Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act a Top Priority for ORTL

As mentioned in previous editions of Life in Oregon, one of Oregon Right to Life’s top legislative priorities is the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act. A version of this bill is being introduced in both the Oregon House and Senate. It would limit abortions after 15 weeks gestational age, when the child feels pain. The science […]

Rep. Morgan Introduces Adoption Bills at State Level

Oregon House Representative Lily Morgan, whose district covers Grants Pass and west down to the Oregon/California border, has consistently been a strong ally of Oregon Right to Life (ORTL). Morgan has been working with ORTL to introduce a 15-week pain-capable abortion ban in the 2023 legislative session. She is also focusing on making adoption less […]