Crystal’s Corner: Adoption Draws Distant Hearts Together

Being pro-life can lead you to unexpected paths sometimes. My husband and I adopted our fourth child from Armenia in 2016. Guyana is a full-time wheelchair user and has endured a dozen surgeries, hundreds of medical appointments and who knows how many thousands of hours of physical therapies. It’s been one of the best decisions […]
ORTL Honors Volunteers at December Luncheon

On December 8, 2022, Oregon Right to Life celebrated its committed volunteers with a special luncheon. Every year, several outreach events take place to advocate for the most vulnerable in Oregon. From the annual March for Life to our statewide Fair booths, these life-impacting experiences would not be possible without the individuals who give their […]
You Can Put Stock in Advocating for Life

If you own appreciated stock, did you know that you can donate it to Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF)? The tax benefits can be substantial, and the process is really quite simple. Consider this example: Alice would like to make a contribution to ORTLEF. She has a stock that is worth $100 per […]
Oregon Right to Life Needs Fair Coordinators!

Every year, Oregon Right to Life hosts several booths around the state at county fairs. With 36 counties in Oregon, interacting personally with residents is a natural way to initiate pro-life outreach and create a far-reaching impact. This year especially, our fair booths hold great promise, and we are looking forward to the many testimonies […]
ORTLEF Prepares Youth for Pro-Life Futures

Young people are the future of the pro-life movement, and we have the privilege to prepare them to advocate for life. With that privilege comes responsibility—how do we equip young advocates to change hearts and minds? First, students need to be familiar with the facts. The pro-life position is grounded in science; students need to […]