My Pro-Life Reason, Shelbea Lane

“SINCE MY BIRTH MOM CHOSE LIFE FOR ME IN THE MIDST OF A HORRIBLE SITUATION, I AM PRO-LIFE TODAY” Creswell I hung up the ultrasound from our third baby girl on our fridge recently and turned around to see my two-year-old standing in the dishwasher, ready to help mama. In that moment, a tear trickled […]

OSU Pro-Life Club Makes Strong Stand for Life

Students walking through the Oregon State University campus in late April couldn’t help but notice 1,000 landscape flags planted as a “Cemetery of Innocents.” Each one represented 73,000 annual global abortions. It was the work of Students for Life at OSU, also known as “Beavers for Babies,” a pro-life student club affiliated with Students for […]

ORTL state fair booth changes Hearts & Minds Every Summer

Jodi Hess is consistently amazed at the stories that Oregon State Fair attendees willingly share with her every summer.  Hess, a Keizer resident, has volunteered at the state fair booth presented by the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF) for approximately four years. “I first chose to volunteer because I believe in the mission […]

Five reasons to volunteer at a fair booth this summer

Looking for a meaningful way to volunteer this summer? Consider working a shift or two at Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation’s booth at your local county fair! Why? So you can: • Better understand your own views. You understand your own beliefs best when you share them with others. Engaging in pro-life advocacy pushes […]

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