What’s The Deal With IVF?

Infertility can be devastating. 1 in 5 women struggle with infertility in the United States, and many of them experience the deep emotional pain that often accompanies struggling to bring new life into the world. Modern reproductive technology has produced seemingly effective solutions to this heartbreak. Today, more than a million children have been born […]
Active Learning Leads to Taking Action

Written by Makyra Williamson, Community Outreach Director “Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I may remember; involve me, and I learn.” It’s not certain where this quote originated, but it perfectly describes the importance of active learning. Rote memorization has an important role in education, but knowledge isn’t enough — students need to […]
Oregon Right to Life’s Pro-Life Communities project is expanding to Eastern Oregon

The Pro-Life Communities initiative aims to ensure that every woman facing an unsupported pregnancy will have at least one pro-life advocate in her circle who can empower her to choose life for that child. The project initially focused on Marion, Deschutes, Polk and Lane Counties as ORTL Education Foundation staff identified and built connections with […]
Pro-Life Bills Introduced in This Year’s Legislative Session

The Oregon Legislature holds short legislative sessions during election years, with the current session beginning February 5 and concluding March 10. One of the differences between the regular and short sessions is that each member was only allotted two bills to move through the legislative process. The benefit: there are fewer opportunities for pro-abortion legislators […]
Oregon Legislator Cramer Makes Strong Stand for Life as Pro-Life Representative

Though she has always considered herself pro-life, Oregon Representative Tracy Cramer (R—Gervais) once thought that abortion might be okay if the woman didn’t use tax dollars to pay for it. But when a friend challenged her, Cramer realized she could no longer in good conscience support the purposeful ending of unborn life, no matter who […]