Unions, Abortion and the Supreme Court

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Until this year, public sector unions in Oregon have been taking mandatory dues from government employees, even non-union members. Millions of those dollars are then diverted to fund pro-abortion groups. These groups then support pro-abortion candidates for office who are committed to keeping this cycle going. If you are a public employee, you can finally do something about this, thanks to the Supreme Court decision Janus v. AFSCME.

The numbers don’t lie, Oregon public employee unions love the abortion industry:

  • Over the past five years, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) has given over $600,000 to Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, and NARAL Pro-Choice America.
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has given $170,000 to Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Center for Reproductive Rights.
  • The pro-abortion advocacy group Defend Oregon has received $1.2 million in funding from AFSCME and SEIU, and nearly $7 million over the past decade from the Oregon Education Association (OEA).

Sadly, this cozy relationship between union leadership and the abortion industry continues. The difference under Janus is that government employees now have the right to work for a government employer without being forced to join a union. This means that pro-life government employees no longer have to choose between their jobs and funding the abortion industry.

If you are a public union member, you can resign from the union today without negatively affecting your job and income. If you are not a member, check your next paycheck to make sure dues are not being wrongfully deducted. Please see the box below to learn more.


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