A New Season

Lois Anderson

Executive Director

Lois Anderson Executive Director“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” This familiar phrase from the book of Ecclesiastes comes to mind as I look back on my first nine months as executive director. I am in a new season in my life. I am learning a new role at home, as my children are reaching adulthood, and in my work. There are definitely seasons in the pro-life cause as well. I am so grateful for each one. If we were all in the same season, we could not appreciate the wisdom of someone who has years of pro-life experience and knowledge, nor the passion and energy of a new volunteer.

A different kind of season also impacts what we do. Summer is here and, while Oregon Right to Life seeks to inspire, educate, and equip advocates throughout the year for pro-life outreach, this time of year provides additional opportunities for involvement.

Oregonians visit fairs and festivals all over the state and ORTLEF is in as many places as possible, with pro-life information, engaging displays, and smiling faces. I encourage you to read the article about the brand-new materials we are rolling out and check page 8 to see if there is a pro-life fair booth planned for your area. If you have never staffed a pro-life display, make this year your first. It won’t be your last, because it’s fun!

In this election year, pro-life candidates are hitting the pavement knocking on doors, putting up lawn signs, and making phone calls. You can advocate for life by supporting the campaigns of those who seek to change our laws to protect and nurture life.

While I certainly hope you have many opportunities this summer to enjoy time with family and friends, there is no better summer project than to dedicate time advocating for the most vulnerable Oregonians.


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