Enthusiastic pro-life advocates came together Thursday to give a voice to the voiceless at the state Capitol for Oregon Right to Life’s (ORTL) Pro-Life Lobby Day.
This event gave moms, abortion survivors, and other grassroots pro-life advocates an incredible opportunity to share community with life-minded Oregonians, take part in the legislative process, and bring a strong, life-affirming presence to the Capitol during this five-week legislative session.
The day started at 9:00 AM at Salem Evangelical Church. Throughout the morning, pro-life advocates received practical training and heard the stories of Oregon abortion survivors Amy Miles and Michelle Lyman.
In the afternoon, participants proceeded to the Capitol, where they got to see the lawmaking process up close and directly engage with their representatives.
Pro-life advocates also took the opportunity to emphasize two very important bills forwarded by Oregon Right to Life, which would help protect vulnerable unborn children in the state.
These bills, SB 1536: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and HB 4108: Born Alive Infants Protection Act, would protect unborn babies at 15 weeks post-fertilization and older and shield infants born alive after failed abortion attempts.
Since Oregon currently has no protections for unborn babies or babies who are born alive during abortion procedures, these two bills are vital to defend the most vulnerable.
Pro-life advocates who attended Lobby Day left feeling excited and empowered to advance the cause of life.
Oregon Right to Life stands as the only organization solely focused on advocating for the unborn in the Capitol. Visit ortl.org/action to stay on top of Oregon bills and for easy opportunities to connect with your legislators.