A Devastating Prenatal Diagnosis Taught Me the Value of Treating Every Human Life with Dignity

Guest Contributor

The following contribution was submitted by Oregon pro-life advocate Emily Anderson. 

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(Oregon Right to Life) — In 2007, my husband Kenney and I found out we were expecting our first baby – a boy we named Gabriel Jordan Anderson. The first 20 weeks of pregnancy were joyful and without complication. 

But at our 20-week ultrasound, everything changed.

Gabriel was diagnosed with bilateral renal agenesis, also known as Potter Syndrome. This meant he had no kidneys, resulting in little to no amniotic fluid, and no ability for his lungs to develop properly. His condition was considered “incompatible with life.” The ultrasound was abruptly ended, and we were taken to a side office where we were told the devastating news and advised to terminate the pregnancy.

We were shocked and overwhelmed. We asked for time to think and pray. When we met with neonatal specialists, we were informed about what a 20-week abortion would entail. As our son was still alive, we were not okay with the procedure described. 

We chose life and decided to trust God with the outcome.

Throughout the rest of the pregnancy, we were repeatedly encouraged to terminate and told to simply “try again.” But we knew that as long as Gabriel’s heart was beating, we would not end his life.

At 33 weeks, I went into labor. Gabriel was born alive and passed away about an hour later due to his condition. I will never forget the compassionate nurse who wept with us and over our son.

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Newborn baby Gabriel. Photo credit: Emily Anderson.

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The following year, we were blessed with healthy boy/girl twins. But Gabriel’s short life left a lasting impact. We learned the importance of compassion – for mothers, fathers, and the unborn – and the deep value of treating every life with dignity.

Out of Gabe’s story, along with my best friend, Billie’s story, The Glorify Project was born. Our nonprofit exists so that women and couples facing difficult or unplanned pregnancies can choose life, even in the face of a heartbreaking diagnosis, and receive the support they need along the way.

Editor’s Note: Emily Anderson is co-founder of the Oregon-based pro-life organization The Glorify Project, “a community of women with personal experiences related to unplanned pregnancy, infertility, infant loss, unviable pregnancy (not compatible with life), pregnancy from rape, and abortion” who are “united by a mission to support and empower others facing unplanned pregnancies.” Learn more about The Glorify Project here.


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