Catholic Sisters of Life to Promote Joyful Pro-Life Message During Oregon Mission Trip

Oregon Right to Life

The Sisters of Life, a community of religious women dedicated to protecting the unborn and providing support for pregnant moms, are bringing their life-affirming message of hope, support, and love to Oregon’s pro-life community during their February 2025 Oregon mission trip.

[scroll down or click here for event schedule and details]

Based in the New York area but with mission locations nationwide, the Catholic Sisters of Life provide emotional, spiritual, and tangible resources to help moms in need choose life. They also provide healing and support for women who have had abortions. 

The sisters additionally host retreats, give talks, and spread the pro-life message through their digital presence on YouTube and podcast apps. 

“…in the heart of every woman is the longing to be heard. To be understood. To be believed in. To be seen for her unique beauty and goodness… a beauty and goodness that all too often she doesn’t see in herself,” the sisters tell moms facing unsupported pregnancies. “Your dreams are not out of reach. There are real options that will get you back on your feet again, never regretting what might have been. You don’t need to feel pressured to have an abortion.”

A history of the order published on the Sisters of Life website states the order was founded by Cardinal John O’Connor, former Navy chaplain and later archbishop of New York. He was inspired to take action after a 1975 visit to Germany’s Dachau concentration camp, where Nazis tortured and killed thousands of innocent human beings. Struck by the inhumanity, Cardinal O’Connor reportedly pledged to do whatever was in his power to protect the lives of human beings against a growing “culture of death.”

He spent years engaging in advocacy, prayer, and preaching, the organization’s website reported. One day, he wrote a letter entitled: “Help Wanted: Sisters of Life,” which was printed in a small Catholic New York newspaper. The appeal was reprinted by outlets across the country, and struck a nerve. In 1991, eight women had become part of the new religious community. 

Today, over 100 sisters comprise the Sisters of Life order, which has become one of the most visible and well-known religious orders in the Catholic world today. The sisters welcome young Catholic women between the ages of 18–35 who have an active prayer life to discern vocations with them.

In addition to providing a safe space for pregnant women to come to receive life-affirming support and resources, the sisters frequently travel to spread the pro-life message.

This year, three of the sisters will be in the Portland Metro area and Springfield, Oregon to give talks, pray, and share fellowship from Thursday, February 20 through Sunday, February 23.

The pro-life events hosted by the Catholic sisters are open to all those interested from any and all faith backgrounds. Click to view the flyer.

Read below for the sisters’ full schedule while in Oregon:

Thursday, February 20: Milwaukie

Christ the King Parish Mission Event 

11709 SE Fuller Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222

  • 6:00-6:30 PM: Sisters of Life Talk
  • 6:30-7:00 PM: Adoration and Prayer led by the Sisters
  • 7:00 PM: Reception

Friday, February 21: Lake Oswego

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School & Parish Mission Event 

650 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

  • 6:30-7:00 PM: Sisters of Life Talk
  • 7:00-7:30 PM: Adoration and Prayer led by the Sisters
  • 7:30 PM: Reception in the Parish Hall (Hosted by the OLL Parish Respect Life Committee)

Saturday, February 22: Portland

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Mission Event followed by Sidewalk Rosary at Nearby Abortion Facility 

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church: 424 SW Mill Street, Portland, OR 97201
Lilith Clinic Abortion Facility: The 511 Building, 511 SW 10th Ave., Portland, OR 97205

  • 8:30-9:30 AM: Mass at St. Michael’s
  • 9:30-10:00 AM: Sisters of Life Talk in the Parish Hall
  • 10:30-11:30 AM: Prayer Vigil and Rosary led by the Sisters of Life at Late-Term Abortion Facility, Lilith Clinic

Saturday, February 22: Springfield

St. Alice Parish Mission Event

1520 E Street, Springfield, OR 97477

  • 5:00-6:00 PM: Vigil Mass
  • 6:00-7:00 PM: Potluck Dinner
  • 7:00 PM: Sisters of Life Talk Followed by Adoration

The sisters are also planning to visit the University of Oregon campus in Eugene on Sunday, February 23rd, but details have not yet been posted.

Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation is actively involved in connecting churches with pro-life pregnancy resource centers across the state, as well as creating and distributing localized resource guides to ensure that abortion-vulnerable moms and families throughout Oregon have access to life-affirming options.

Oregon Right to Life believes in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception to natural death. Abortion ends the life of a genetically distinct, growing human being. We oppose abortion at any point of gestation. Read the complete statement and all of our position statements here.


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