Support Her. Protect Them. A Closer Look at Oregon’s 2025 Pro-Life Bills

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

(Oregon Right to Life) — Last fall, I set out to take time with each of our pro-life lawmakers and go over Oregon Right to Life’s theme for this year’s legislative session and the inspiration behind it: Support Her. Protect Them. 

Being a pro-life legislator in Oregon comes with unique challenges. They have to operate a lot differently than they would in states like Idaho, Texas, or Florida. That being said, our mission remains the same: provide tangible, encouraging support to women and families, and protect as many unborn lives as possible from abortion.

Understanding the unique terrain of this issue in Oregon, we want to continue to put forward limits that are widely supported with key exceptions, and considered “reasonable” even by self-proclaimed pro-choice voters.

First, here’s a brief update on abortion here in Oregon:

  • The state of Oregon currently has no restrictions on abortion, allowing for legal abortion until the moment of birth for any reason. Over half of abortions are paid for with Oregon tax dollars.
  • According to the OHA Center for Health Statistics data, providers in Oregon performed 225 abortions at or after 23 weeks gestation last year, more than two and a half times the 85 late-term abortions performed in 2022. The youngest baby to survive premature birth was born at 21 weeks and one day gestational age. 
  • The United States is one of only 15 countries in the United Nations that permit abortion on demand past 15 weeks of gestation, meaning its abortion law is far more permissive than the vast majority of the world. 
  • According to the CDC, from 2003-2014 (the most recent born alive research), there were 143 infants born alive in the U.S. after an attempted induced abortion who did not survive after the attempted abortion. 

With this understanding of the political and legal landscape of Oregon on the issue of abortion, I want to tell you about this year’s legislative package: Support Her. Protect Them. I also want to express my deep gratitude to all the pro-life champions who put forward these important pieces of legislation. 

Born Alive Infants Protection Bills in the House and Senate:

House Version: HB 2372 | Born Alive Infants Protection – Rep. Bobby Levy
Senate Version: SB 1012 Born Alive Infants Protection – Sen. Kim Thatcher

What: This act would require a physician to provide a baby born alive during an attempted abortion procedure the same degree of care as any other baby at the same gestational stage.

Why: The 2002 Federal Born-Alive Protection Act defines infants who survive abortion as persons, but it does not provide standards of care. Recent polls show continued growth and an overwhelming 80% voter support for this kind of protection. 

Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Bills in the House and Senate:

House Version: HB 3248 | Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection – Rep. E. Werner Reschke
Senate Version: SB 666 | Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection – Leader Daniel Bonham & Sen. Diane Linthicum

What: This legislation would place a limit on abortion when the baby can feel pain with exceptions for medical emergencies, rape, and incest.

Why: An estimated 800 abortions took place at or after 15 weeks gestation in 2023. A recent comprehensive review of the research suggests that a baby can feel pain at 15 weeks. We also know the baby’s heart has been beating and maturing for nine weeks, she has grown fingers and fingernails, is making goal-oriented hand movements, and so much more. This link ahead holds a family’s story along with very respectful pictures taken of their son, Roman, who was miscarried at 15-weeks. I encourage you to look at his development at this stage. Please view with caution, especially those who have dealt with miscarriage and infant loss. Baby Roman’s story and pictures here. This legislation has continued, growing support from voters, with a majority standing in support once educated on the issue according to post-Dobbs polling.

HB 2381 | HB 2382 | HB 3535 | Every Mother Matters Act

Chief Sponsors: Rep. Bobby Levy & Rep. Vikki Breese Iverson

What: This three bill package establishes the Pregnancy Launch Program to encourage healthy childbirth; support childbirth as an alternative to abortion; promote family formation; aid successful parenting; Increase families’ economic self-sufficiency; and improve maternal health, mortality, and postpartum outcomes. It also creates a hotline and sets a requirement that this information be provided to an abortion-minded woman 48 hours prior to her abortion procedure. Finally, it establishes an OHA grant program to help fund entities offering services related to encouraging and assisting mothers in carrying their pregnancies to term.

Why: There are many reasons women seek abortions. That being said, we hear from many post-abortive women that they did not feel like they had the tangible support necessary to choose life for their child. This Act would limit that barrier and provide mothers with encouragement, confidence, and assistance to carry their pregnancies to term.

Abortion Pill Reversal Informed Consent – Sen. Suzanne Weber

SB 1031

What: Requires medical professionals to provide information on a reversal procedure at least 24 hrs prior to dispensing the abortion pill to a patient. An exception is required in case of a medical emergency. Requires Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division to publish abortion pill reversal information and resources on its website.

Why: Dr. George Delgado’s study of 754 women demonstrated that when administered within 72 hours of taking mifepristone, the APR protocol has a 64-68% success rate in saving unborn babies. The results of another study in 2019, the Mitchell Creinin study (which was cut short due to a few of the women having excess bleeding after taking mifepristone), demonstrated the success of APR protocol. Among the patients who received progesterone, 80% were able to maintain the pregnancy. The Delgado study found zero increased risk of birth defects or preterm births. Also referenced in Practice Bulletin 225 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), mifepristone has not been shown to cause birth defects. Progesterone is a common hormone given to pregnant women to treat other pregnancy-related conditions or other general health concerns and has been shown to be safe when provided by a licensed physician, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Abortion Trafficking Prevention – Sen. Todd Nash

SB 1026

What: As Oregon continues to advertise itself as a sanctuary state for abortion, in an effort to flag abortion trafficking, this bill would require parental consent for minors (under 18) traveling into Oregon for an abortion. This bill will include exceptions for medical emergencies, rape, and incest, while still requiring parental notification.

Why: In November 2023, an Idaho woman and her son were charged with kidnapping after they took the son’s minor girlfriend into Bend, Oregon, to get an abortion without parental knowledge. As reported by NPR, among others, the girl was happy about her pregnancy, but her boyfriend was not. The mother and son were both charged with second-degree kidnapping, among other charges.

In addition to these bills framing our “Support Her. Protect Them.” mission is Deputy Leader Lucetta Elmer’s Adoption Awareness Act (HB 3057), which requires public education programs to provide students with information on adoption in their sexual health curriculum. Rep. Ed Diehl has also put forward HB 3330 to establish conscience protections for medical professionals to opt-out of procedures like abortion and others. 

There are so many other life-affirming bills, including Rep. Boice’s Baby Olivia Act and Rep. McIntire’s Safe Haven expansion put forward, among others, and I am so grateful for all of the lawmakers who have given their support to these life-affirming bills. 

Oregon Right to Life would love for pro-life lawmakers to overwhelmingly support all of these measures. For those who have already signed on, we are so thankful! 


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