Teen Shares Decision to Choose Life for Daughter Amid Unplanned Pregnancy, Heartbreaking Prenatal Diagnosis

Ashley Sadler

Communications Director

(Oregon Right to Life) — A teenager is finding purpose and healing in telling the story of her decision to choose life for her unborn daughter despite a high school pregnancy and a devastating prenatal diagnosis.


18-year-old Ava Trammell sat down with I Like Birds Podcast host Zach Rippey to share in vivid detail the story of the precious time she spent with her little girl, who she has named Sophie.

When Trammell discovered she was pregnant with Sophie, she was initially terrified to share the news with her Christian parents. But she said her family, though initially surprised, showered her with love and support, eager to help her recognize and experience the gift of life that proceeded from a high school mistake.

Trammell’s excitement over welcoming her child into the world turned to grief when she went in for her anatomy scan appointment and learned that her little girl had a serious condition that doctors determined made her “incompatible with life.” She was offered an abortion, but rejected the recommendation.

“This might be crazy, ‘cause I know she’s not going to survive anyways, but I only have so much time left with her,” Trammell said. “Why should I cut it any shorter? She’s safe in my womb.”

The high schooler said she had been following the accounts of many pro-life organizations on social media and was well aware of “what an abortion looks like.”

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“I don’t think I could bear to have her ripped piece by piece out of my womb, and shorten the life that’s already so short… take her away from a spot where God has placed her in my hands, in my womb, where she’s safe, and she’s warm, and she only knows love and she doesn’t know pain,” Trammell said.

“Why would I give her such a painful death when she’s perfectly fine with me?” she continued. “I already love her more than I can even express… I couldn’t bear the thought of having her removed.”

Trammell continued her pregnancy and went into early labor weeks before her due date. She needed to have an emergency C-Section, but her pain medicine was rapidly wearing off by the time little Sophie was delivered. Doctors handed the tiny newborn to her young mother and placed her on Trammell’s chest.

“I wanted to be able to meet and hold Sophie as long as I could while she was still alive,” Trammell recalled. “I remember feeling her kind of breathe. I remember feeling her hand moving around. And those are moments that are going to literally stick with me for the rest of my life.”

The doctors had to sedate Trammell, but the teen said she was “able to stay awake for thirty minutes holding her.”

After that, Sophie was handed to Trammell’s mother, who gently held the baby girl until she passed away quietly and without struggle.

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“Sophie may not have been here for my whole life. But I got to be there for hers,” Trammell shared in an Instagram post. “She only ever knew my love, was held and cared for by my mom and very kind nurses, and then went to be with our God and my Grandma Sandy. The best babysitters anyone could ask for. I like to think she was simply too perfect for this world.”

Podcaster Zach Rippey expressed the importance of Ava sharing her story for the encouragement of others who may find themselves in similar situations, including those who may be considering abortion when faced with an unplanned pregnancy or a fatal prenatal diagnosis.



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