Meet Our New Communications Director

Oregon Right to Life

Sacramento native Ashley Sadler is used to solo adventures. In 2019, she went to England by herself, then on a road trip from Florida to California three years later. 

But in February, Sadler found herself on a well-established team: that of the newest employee at Oregon Right to Life (ORTL). As the communications director, the tri-county resident is in charge of drafting emails, writing pro-life news articles, collaborating with team members to plan and carry out communications plans for events and continually striving to maintain and improve the quality and reach of ORTL’s messaging.

“I’m a lifelong Catholic and have always been pro-life,” Sadler says. “It’s always seemed very clear to me that abortion is the greatest human rights tragedy of our time, and I’ve wanted to be part of the movement to secure respect and protection for all innocent human beings, especially the unborn.”

Sadler discovered the communications director position on a Students for Life job board. With a degree in communication and a strong belief in the value and worth of all life, from conception to natural death, she knew she would be a perfect fit.

“After traveling and living in different states for a few years, I wanted to move back to the West Coast to be closer to family and continue working in the pro-life movement,” says Sadler, who previously worked as a ­writer for LifeSiteNews. “I was especially driven to be a part of ORTL to help build a culture of life in a state whose political leadership is very ideologically hostile to the pro-life worldview.”

Sadler collaborates with everyone on the ORTL team to promote major events like A Night for Advocacy benefit dinner, the annual conference, Together We Advocate and the Oregon March for Life. It’s a vital role that Sadler does well as an “exceptional professional,” says Executive Director Lois Anderson.

“This makes her not only a great addition to our team but also an asset to our entire movement,” says Anderson. “I especially enjoy how she applies her strategic mindset to defending the vulnerable. She has added rocket fuel to our communications.” 

Sadler doesn’t see herself exiting the battle for human rights for the state’s most vulnerable anytime soon. 

“Being part of the pro-life movement here in Oregon is tough,” she says, “but it’s vital work, and I’m proud to be a part of it.” 


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