Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: An Obsession with Abortion

Guest Contributor

Editor’s note: This op-ed was contributed by National Right to Life. It has been lightly edited for clarity.

In the wake of a historical shakeup in the presidential nominating process, we were left with Kamala Harris as the nominee for the Democratic Party and her pick for vice president, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Democratic Party apparatchiks have cast Vice President Harris and Governor Walz as successful “moderate” candidates with extensive experience. But their most successful issue is the very opposite of moderate: abortion.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are all about abortion. Harris’s and Walz’s full-throated support of unlimited abortion—available anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances—has garnered them the accolades of pro-abortion groups who have lavished praise (and huge amounts of political contributions) on their political darlings.

Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) celebrated the Harris-Walz ticket, saying that it was the “most [pro-abortion] presidential ticket in U.S. history.” Of “Coach Walz,” they gushed that he is a “champion” for abortion and has worked “tirelessly to protect and expand abortion…”

If you were to believe Democrats and commentators, it sounds as if Harris has picked the quintessential Everyman who is “Minnesota Nice.” But how “nice” is a man who opposes the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”? The bill would ensure that an infant who survives an attempted abortion is afforded the same degree of medical care as any other newborn of the same gestational age. As governor, Walz repealed similar state-level protections for newborn babies in Minnesota.

How “nice” is a governor who signed legislation to enshrine a “fundamental right” to abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy in Minnesota law? How “nice” is Walz to have invalidated the state’s parental involvement law and denied parents the ability to be involved in their minor daughter’s abortion decision?

As Minnesota governor, Walz also repealed Minnesota’s Positive Alternatives Act. This offered funding for programs that provided adoption services, housing assistance, counseling, childcare, parenting education, medical attention for mothers and babies in need, and more.

No, he’s not “nice.”

As for Kamala Harris, National Right to Life coined the term “Abortion Czar” to describe her role in promoting unlimited abortion in the Biden administration and to summarize her unshakeable support for those who profit from taking the lives of innocent preborn babies.

The vice president’s “accomplishments” include being the first and only member of the executive branch to visit a working abortion facility. Her tour of several states promoting abortion is one of the biggest “accomplishments” of her time in office.

As a senator, Harris co-sponsored the radical “Women’s Health Protection Act” (WHPA). The WHPA would enshrine into law abortion on demand, overturn existing pro-life laws, and prevent new protective laws from being enacted at the state and federal levels. The bill seeks to strip away from elected lawmakers the ability to provide even the most minimal protections for unborn children at any stage of their prenatal development.

Kamala Harris also supports using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions. As a senator, Harris voted against the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which would limit federal funding for abortion on a government-wide basis.

But none of this should come as a surprise.

In a September 2023 interview on Face the Nation, CBS’s Margaret Brennan repeatedly asked Kamala Harris if she would support a limit on abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Harris danced around the question and never answered it.

Tim Walz memorably described his own extreme record as “so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down.”

It’s a nightmare of a presidential ticket. Vehemently pro-abortion, Harris and Walz see unborn babies as disposable. It is not an exaggeration to say that, if elected, they will do everything in their power to destroy the lives of as many women and their unborn babies as possible.


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