Lauren Horton, Life in Oregon reader
As a devout Christian, I certainly can find Bible verses to support my pro-life stance, such as Jeremiah 1:5 (“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”). But truthfully, my pro-life opinion is not solely based on Bible verses. Instead, it is founded on a deep conviction that every life deserves a chance.
Part of this conviction is that I must do more than just say the words. I must live my conviction.
I am a mama to 11. Three were born from my womb. Eight grew in other mamas’ uteruses.
Those mamas — for a variety of reasons — were not able to parent their babies. My husband and I are able, and because we are able, it is essential that we be willing.
How can we say we are pro-life but do nothing to help the children who need homes, whether they be here in Lane County or across the ocean in Eastern Europe?
Often, unborn babies are aborted when they have the diagnoses, syndromes and disabilities that the children in my family have. But in my world, value is not based on accomplishments, looks or potential.
My children are inherently valuable. Their precious souls and bodies are intrinsically worthy. God’s Word tells us why, true. But for me? My heart tells me that every child, no matter their circumstance or diagnosis, deserves a chance to be born. Parenting my sons and daughters — including one we adopted from Bulgaria at age four who weighed just 10 pounds — has solidified this belief.
Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, the effects of prenatal drug exposure, major heart conditions, limb differences, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, Moebius syndrome, wheelchairs, walkers, orthotics, feeding tubes, hearing aids, diapers, communication devices, sleep-safe, beds, monitors, alarms — these are all part of our lives now. The list of “cant’s” with our children is long.
But I can honestly say that the list of miracles and triumphs is longer. The value in “just being” is an incredible gift and an incredible lesson that I’m not sure I would have learned if we had not said yes to birthing, fostering and adopting these amazing children.