Taking Action in Response to Setbacks

Oregon Right to Life

“I am a pro-life [position, like woman, student or voter]. Other states may be making decisions on abortion limits early in pregnancy, but the reality is Oregon is not there yet. In Oregon, abortion is legal until the moment of birth and funded by taxpayers. This position is unfavorable to a majority of voters. Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, most of us can agree we want to see fewer abortions. As a pro-life [position], I want to see reasonable limits passed on abortion that will protect mothers and their babies during and after pregnancy.”

November 7 was election night for many states. In short, there were significant losses nationwide: Virginia lost majority control in the House, and Ohio enshrined abortion into its constitution. These were heartbreaking setbacks, but they are following a consistent pattern.

• Pro-abortion candidates consistently outspend pro-life candidates on the issue of abortion. 

• Polling shows abortion is a low priority for voters, yet pro-abortion candidates are using the issue as their focal message. 

• Pro-abortion candidates are using fear-mongering propaganda to mislead voters into thinking that women will die without a limitless abortion law. 

Reminders and how we can respond:

• We have to play offense on the issue of abortion. Despite polling showing its low priority amongst most voters, pro-abortion candidates are using the abortion message against us. Why? Because it works, especially when we do not spend the resources to define the issue or fail to respond.

Oregon Right to Life PAC is the only organization in the state that uses resources to optimize the pro-life message. My team is composed of local and national experts who are leveraging your contributions in the most effective way possible.

• Remember, we are not the extremists.

Right now, in Oregon, we are working towards reasonable limits on abortion, including protections for babies born alive during an abortion and babies who can feel pain, with exceptions for rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. The reality is, in Oregon, abortion is legal for any reason until the moment of birth. 

Sex-selective abortion? Legal. 

Abortion because the baby was diagnosed with a disability or Down syndrome? Legal. 

Abortion for eugenics? Legal. 

As pro-life people, have to be prepared with a solid response to abortion for persuadable voters. Let’s take back our message. What might that look like?


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