Abortion was never talked about in my house growing up. The pro-life concept was just another one that came with my Christian faith, but I can’t confidently say I knew what that concept truly meant. It wasn’t until high school that I began to hear the debates circulating in the classroom or discussions starting at lunch.
I vividly remember driving with a friend when she told me her dream job was to work at Planned Parenthood. This was only six years ago. In this short time, the abortion industry has grown to groom girls, not just in high school, but all ages.
Whether you’re aware of it or not, abortion is in your communities, schools and even churches. With the abortion industry targeting increasingly younger children, it can seem hopeless – which is why Oregon Right to Life PAC (political action committee) gets involved at all levels of government.
Even amidst a culture that celebrates abortion, I gain more hope that we can continue to change the tide as each election passes. I have spent the last few months engaging with countless people passionate about protecting children – born and unborn – and willing to take the courageous step to run for office. And I can tell you, it is so encouraging.
Over the past 10 years, ORTL PAC has supported 634 pro-life candidates and won 377 races across the state that now represent you on the school board, in the state legislature and in Congress. They are making real change.
As you read this, 11 of our endorsed pro-life senators have walked out of the legislature, sacrificing their opportunity for reelection, to stop one of the most radical pro-abortion bills we’ve seen. This is the commitment our candidates have to the pro-life movement.