Making a gift (or bequest) through your will or living trust gives you the immediate gratification of creating a lasting, personal legacy of advocacy that ensures Oregon Right to Life’s future – and costs nothing now.
There are a handful of benefits to including Oregon’s premiere pro-life organization in your will.
First, your gift will have a significant impact enabling continued advocacy on the part of vulnerable Oregonians from fertilization to natural death.
Additionally, a charitable bequest may minimize estate taxes for members subject to them. Retirement accounts, for example, can lose between 50 to 90 percent of their value through estate and income taxes without careful planning.
Here’s how it works: simply name Oregon Right to Life in your will as a beneficiary in your estate documents or will. Your legacy gift can be directed toward specific projects or programs, or your gift can be used at ORTL’s discretion to support the area of greatest need.
You can choose to give a specific amount or percentage of your estate. Other options include securities, real estate or personal property.
Two other ways to give are naming Oregon Right to Life as a beneficiary on your retirement plan or on your life insurance policy. Contact your plan or policy advisors for the necessary forms.