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Oregon Right to Life


The Oregon Legislative short session is in full swing.Oregon Right to Life has worked with pro-life legislators to craft legislation for this session including Senate Bill 513, or the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act. This Act limits abortions after 15 weeks gestational age. In the House, the Every Mother Matters Act will help women choose life for their babies.With recent polls showing more voters are leaning pro-life, we intend to work harder than ever to make sure the voices of the most vulnerable are heard.Text ORTL to 716-271-2182 to sign up for our Action Alerts. We don’t have much time to act when things happen at the Capitol. Texts are the fastest way to communicate what’s happening at the legislature.
Flooding legislators with calls and emails does make an impact! The greater our numbers, the greater the effect. That all starts with you.

Text ORTL to 716-271-2182 to sign up for our Action Alerts.


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