Multnomah County Pro-Lifers Push On

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Multnomah County Right to Life had an eventful year. In January, the chapter celebrated “Sanctity of Life Sunday” with a local church, giving a short presentation and distributing fetal models and brochures. Then, after two years without a county fair, they were not allowed to host a fair booth. The reason: fair organizers rejected all vendors deemed potentially controversial.

Multnomah Right to Life also financed a billboard near the Hillman East Portland Planned Parenthood for the third year running. This year, they raised 80 percent of the cost through their annual garage sale, with a generous donor covering the rest. Those funds allowed them to donate the remaining baby clothes and furniture to a local pregnancy resource center. 

Multnomah County Right to Life has many opportunities to join in pro-life advocacy. The best way to get involved is by participating in their monthly meetings. Additionally, they host a prayer vigil every second Saturday of the month at the Hillman East Portland Planned Parenthood. Lastly, volunteers with extra space can help with the garage sale by storing and moving donated items.

To get involved or for more information on monthly meetings, contact Janice Baurer at or Barb Teyeme at

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