From the President: Much Work to Be Done at State Level

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

In 2019, I wrote my first column for Life in Oregon as board president. At the end, I noted how social and political climates around abortion were shifting in Oregon and across the country. I could not have imagined those changes would bring us here. 

Roe v Wade is no longer the law of the land. It’s incredible to say that! At our summer Oregon Right to Life board meeting, we discussed how we can shift and reimagine pro-life advocacy in our state in light of the Dobbs decision. While abortion is still legal in Oregon, with no regulations or restrictions, there is no more federal mandate. The laws we make in our state have a bigger consequence than ever before. People increasingly recognize that their votes, ideas and convictions matter. 

Perhaps the greatest example we have is the rise and strength of a pro-life governor candidate. Though pro-life Christine Drazan lost to pro-abortion Tina Kotek, it still says a lot that this election was so close. Culture, attitudes and thoughts have changed — and continue to do so.

In a Post-Roe Oregon, we need to advocate for laws that push society at large to be more positive toward life. These changes could include providing greater anti-discrimination protection for pregnant and parenting workers, adoption and foster care reforms, paid family leave and child support and tax changes.

It is also more important than ever to strengthen individual communities across Oregon with every kind of resource a woman would need to choose life. We also need to pass laws that ensure women are informed of these resources when considering abortion. Oregon has amazing pro-life chapters across the state. I know that together, we will gain further momentum in ensuring human life is supported.

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