Since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June, abortion supporters have turned up the volume of their protestations. Among their assertions, they have criticized pro-life advocates for statements about late-term abortions. There is a lot of confusion and mistaken information about late-term abortions, so let’s bust some common myths.
Pro-abortion activists will trumpet the rarity of late-term abortions. While late-term abortions comprise about one percent of all abortions, nearly one million abortions occur every year. Doing the math, that means over 10,000 late-term abortions are performed annually. Loudly repeating that late-term abortions are rare doesn’t change the disturbing truth that thousands of infants who can live outside the womb are killed every year.
You have probably heard that late-term abortions are almost exclusively done because of the pregnant mother’’s health or serious complications with a pregnancy. But research shows that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. In reality, women seek late-term abortions for the same reasons as earlier abortions.