Facts on Oregon Abortion Laws

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

In Oregon, are you allowed to abort your unborn child…

•   At any stage, even up to and past 40 weeks of gestation? Yes

•   If your baby is completely healthy? Yes

•   If your child receives a non-terminal diagnosis like Down Syndrome or an extra finger? Yes

•   If the child can survive outside the womb? Yes

•   If the father does not want the abortion? Yes

•   If you once wanted the baby but changed your mind? Yes

•   Without any required waiting period? Yes

•   Without seeing the baby on the ultrasound? Yes

•   Without hearing his or her heartbeat? Yes

•   Without understanding what stage of development your child has attained? Yes

•   Without obtaining parental permission if you’re a minor? Yes

•   Using your Oregon Health Plan or Medicaid dollars, at no cost? Yes

•   If you are not an Oregon resident or even a U.S. citizen? Yes

•   Using funds from the Reproductive Health Equity Act if you qualify for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), are undocumented, are a legal permanent resident of fewer than five years or have other immigration issues making you ineligible for Medicaid/OHP? Yes

•   Using your parents’ insurance to pay for the abortion without their knowledge or consent? Yes

•   Using someone who is not a licensed physician, such as a nurse or other clinicians? Yes

For an overview of state abortion laws, visit guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/overview-abortion-laws


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