While the pro-life position can stand entirely on a secular viewpoint, Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF) recognizes and gladly welcomes those with religious reasons to protect unborn humans. We offer a resource called “The Miracle of Life” display for Oregon’s churches, youth groups, church clubs and private religious schools when discussing pro-life issues. It does not feature abortion and is appropriate for children.
The Miracle of Life display has multiple components. Some you will keep and distribute, while others will be eventually returned to the Oregon Right to Life office. For convenience, the display comes with an inventory sheet and return shipping label. The display is normally borrowed for one week at a time.
The Miracle of Life display is made to fit on an average-sized table. It includes:
- A rotary telephone playing the prenatal heartbeat of a seven-week-old child
- Small “Touch of Life” fetal models from seven to 10 weeks of gestation
- Large “Touch of Life” fetal models from 12 to 32 weeks of gestation
- A pop-up banner reading, “When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mother’s womb, when I was growing there in secret, You knew I was there. You saw me before I was born,” from Psalm 139:15-16
- Fetal development cards with plastic holder
- “Precious Pockets” 12-week-old fetal models in fabric pockets with fetal development cards. The set comes with 100, but more can be ordered.
To get the Miracle of Life display for your event or group, contact our Community Outreach Specialist at nickie@ortl.org or 503.463.8563.