Babies Are People Too!

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Nickie Snyder
Community Outreach Specialist

Like many of you, I was fortunate to know the truth that babies are people from a very young age. As the oldest child in my family, I remember observing my mom and aunts for the duration of their pregnancies. Family members would say things like, “Your mom is having a baby,” or “Your aunt is with child.” The indelible births of my two sisters and eight cousins, as well as my own four children and grandchildren, solidified in my mind this indisputable fact. 

As a former public school teacher and Canby Pregnancy Care Center director, I was astonished at the many students and clients who were unaware that babies are biological humans divinely designed in God’s image. This basic lack of knowledge inspired our team at Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) to create a presentation we call “Babies Are People Too!” We designed this presentation specifically to help students understand the scientific uniqueness of life.

“Babies Are People Too!” incorporates biology, philosophy and apologetics while inspiring students to get involved in pro-life advocacy. Though introducing the pro-life message in public schools remains challenging, we have produced two versions of the presentation. Alongside the basic scientific perspective, our faith-based version incorporates the biblical view about sacred value and development. 

As students participate in this interactive presentation, they learn the answers to the following questions: when does a new human life begin? At what point does a human heart start beating? How many weeks after conception do babies feel pain? How many weeks along was the youngest baby who survived a premature birth?

The presentation is available both in-person or virtually via Zoom. Students and teachers will receive pro-life resources and visuals to help memorize key development stages. To host the presentation, contact me at 503-463-8563 or


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