On April 17, roughly two thousand pro-life Oregonians met in front of the Oregon State Capitol to honor the 63 million lives lost to legalized abortion since 1973. The Oregon March for Life featured Rep. Vikki Breese Iverson (HD 55) as emcee, joined by Marion County Commissioner Colm Willis and others. Safety precautions for the pandemic were taken, including hand sanitizer stations, masks, and social distancing.
“After a long delay for the pandemic, pro-life Oregonians again were able to gather to stand in opposition to Oregon’s radical abortion laws,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “Oregonians are frustrated and upset that our elected officials have consistently ignored their obligations to protect and serve Oregonians.”
During this legislative session, Oregon Right to Life introduced two pro-life bills resoundingly supported by Oregonians: the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (SB 586) and the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act (HB 2540).
“Around 78% of Oregonians oppose extreme politicians like Sen. Patterson, who refuse to protect infants who survive a failed abortion and support late-term abortions,” continued Anderson.
Over two days, 1,452 Oregonians sent emails to Sen. Deb Patterson, the Senate health care committee chair. They asked for a simple hearing of SB 586. She ignored them.
“Peace and compassion drive the pro-life movement,” continued Anderson. “Those motivations drive us to advocate for those whose right to life is denied or abridged under current law.