Sen. Patterson Refuse to Protect Babies Born-Alive

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

This legislative session, Oregon Right to Life introduced Senate Bill 586, the Born-Alive Infant Protection bill. It would require abortion providers to deliver life-saving care for a baby born alive during an abortion. Data from the CDC shows that as many as 143 babies have survived a failed abortion then died.

A poll of likely Oregon voters revealed that 78% of Oregonians support this legislation.

Senate President Peter Courtney sent Senate Bill 586 to the Oregon Senate’s Health Care Committee on January 19. The bill had to have a hearing scheduled by Friday, March 19, to move this session.

Over two days, 1,452 Oregonians sent emails to Sen. Deb Patterson, the committee’s chair. They asked for a simple hearing of SB 586. She ignored them.

“Sen. Deb Patterson received a tremendous volume of requests for a public hearing on Senate Bill 586, many sent by her constituents,” said Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “The only reasonable explanation for Sen. Patterson’s inaction on such a widely supported bill is her allegiance to the abortion lobby’s unspoken ban on hearings of pro-life legislation.”

“Around 78% of Oregonians oppose extreme politicians like Sen. Patterson, who refuse to protect infants who survive a failed abortion and support late-term abortions,” continued Anderson.

Sen. Deb Patterson

  1. The Born-Alive Infants Protection bill and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection bill and The Advance Directive Principal Protection bill all need to go before the people of Oregon as ballot measures. Please consider this process to get these life-preserving measures passed into law.

  2. Hello, I’m not going to be available to march for life on April 17th. Although I am a big advocate for saving babies. How do I make a donation?
    I live in central Oregon and would like to know if there are advocates for pro life that I might be able to march with here in central Oregon.

    1. Donations can be made through our website Visit to find local opportunities for involvement. Thank you for advocating for life!

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