We’re just over a month away from the Oregon March for Life on Saturday, January 25. Dr. Karen Gaffney of Portland is our featured speaker. She is an accomplished human rights advocate, achieving an honorary doctorate. Dr. Gaffney is also a renowned long-distance swimmer, conquering the English Channel and Lake Tahoe, among other large bodies of water.
She is the president of the Karen Gaffney Foundation, which is “dedicated to championing the journey to full inclusion for people with Down syndrome and other disabilities.”
In an interview with Live Action, Dr. Gaffney spoke about life with Down syndrome:“It’s okay — I know I’m different than you. I look differently, I talk differently, I walk differently … sometimes it takes me longer to learn things. Now, another thing that is different about me is that I can probably swim much longer and much farther than many of you… I have a regular high school diploma, a two-year college degree, an honorary doctorate degree, and a good paying job. In short, my life is amazing!”
Join us in advocating for the reestablishment of protection for all innocent human life from conception to natural death. The band will start playing around 2:00 pm, with speakers starting at 2:30 pm. The Oregon March for Life will follow immediately.
Clark County
Friday, Jan. 24. Meet from 1 to 2 pm on front steps of Clark County Courthouse, 1200 Franklin St., Vancouver, WA. 360-831-7542
Curry County
Sunday, Jan. 19. Meet at noon for a gathering at Lighthouse Assembly of God in Harbor, 15803 Hwy 101 S. Contact: 541-469-3548.
Deschutes County
Saturday, Jan. 18. 9:30 am pro-life rosary and 10 am pro-life mass at St. Francis of Assisi in Bend. 541-639-8235.
Douglas County
Sunday, Jan. 26. Meet at 2 pm at Mercy Medical Center statue in Roseburg. Baby shower follows at Seventh Day Adventist Church. 541-673-4566.
Jackson County
Sunday, Jan. 26. Meet 6 pm in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church for movie Unplanned, 649 Crater Lake Ave, Medford.
Josephine County
Sunday, Jan. 26. Josephine County Courthouse on B St. in Grants Pass. Meet at 1pm. March to Riverside Park Pavilion for rally.
Klamath County
Wednesday, Jan. 22. Meet at noon at Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main St., Klamath Falls.
Lane County
Eugene: Saturday, January 18. Meet at 9 a.m. at Grace Lutheran Church for screening of Gosnell and Unplanned followed by refreshments and resources. 710 E. 17th Ave. 541-747-1079; Florence: Crosses of Life at local churches during Sanctity of Life month.
Sunday, Jan. 19. Numerous churches participating in Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. 541-276-1540.
Union County
Wednesday, January 22. Rally at 4-6pm. Max Square, corner of Adams and 4th Ave, La Grande
Oregon March for Life
Saturday, January 25
Salem — State Capitol
** New Location**
Together We Advocate 2020
Saturday, February 29
Tualatin — Rolling Hills
Community Church