Political Advocacy Brings Pro-Life Results

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director
Reagan Knopp | PAC & Operations Specialist

We are still months from the busyness that comes with the 2020 election cycle. In the meantime, our political advocacy team is finding opportunities to win crucial political victories for the pro-life movement, proving that vigilance and hard work do pay off.

GOP remains pro-life party
The Oregon Republican Party, the only pro-life major party in the state, hosted their platform convention in Pendleton this summer. This meeting is held once every two years to develop a document outlining their first principles. As they have in the past, opponents of life tried to remove pro-life language from the platform. Oregon Right to Life staff members successfully halted these attempts.

In addition, the pro-life section of the platform was strengthened. It now includes clear opposition to infanticide which Democrats in the Oregon Legislature recently voted to keep legal.

Pro-life advocates appointed to Oregon Legislature
With the retirement or passing of elected officials comes the responsibility for local pro-life activists to vet and appoint their replacements. Three recent opportunities have resulted in the appointment of outstanding pro-life women to the Oregon Legislature.

With the sad passing of pro-life state Senator Jackie Winters, Senate District 10 (Salem area) had a large hole to fill. Local advocates chose then-Representative Denyc Boles as their new state senator. Not only does Sen. Boles have the experience needed, her elevation to the Senate gave Marion County pro-life voters the opportunity to appoint another excellent pro-life advocate to fill her seat in the Oregon House. Raquel Moore-Green was chosen to fill out the remainder of Denyc’s term in the House. While new to the legislature, Rep. Moore-Green is no stranger to the political process and is already hard at work.

Finally, the appointment of Rep. Mike McLane to the 22nd Judicial District Circuit Court meant that central Oregon gained a pro-life judge but lost a longtime advocate in the Legislature. Pro-life advocate Vikki Breese-Iverson was chosen to represent the sprawling south\central Oregon district in Salem.

ORTL PAC worked with local pro-life advocates in each of these appointment processes to ensure there was a good outcome. We are thrilled that Denyc, Raquel, and Vikki are now advocating for life in the Oregon Legislature!


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