Action Alert – Stop Unethical Research on Aborted Babies!

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

To end unethical medical research using aborted baby body parts, please take action now! Tell your Oregon legislators and the federal government to ban the use of aborted fetal body parts for medical research.

Oregon Right to Life is developing legislation for the 2019 session. If you would like to receive updates on the progress of our state legislation and how you can help to stop this practice in Oregon, text “ORTL” to 52886.

Equally important is that we ask for an investigation of research using aborted baby parts by the Food and Drug Administration. There are three people to contact: Congressman Greg Walden, Scott Gottlieb, the Commissioner of the FDA, and President Donald Trump.

Congressman Greg Walden is the Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees the FDA. Send him a letter by going to this link:

You can contact the Commissioner of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb, and ask him to investigate. Email him at

Finally, send a letter to President Donald Trump at Voice your concern that a federal agency is practicing unethical research.

Please take action on behalf of the unborn today!


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