- Life has been winning in the voting booth. Elections have resulted in a pro-life President and Vice-President, along with numerous state governors. Pro-life legislators are leaders in both the U.S. House and Senate.
- People are having their eyes opened to a callous abortion industry after viewing undercover videos discussing the harvesting and selling of aborted baby body parts.
- Social media is spreading the pro-life message through videos, photos of pre-born baby development, and informative articles.
- Clergy are addressing the truth about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide.
- Polls show the Millennial generation is the most pro-life generation since abortion was legalized in 1973.
- Post-abortive women are sharing their abortion stories hoping to help other women to avoid post-abortion trauma. Visit www.silentnomoreawareness.org to read some of their stories.
- Women who have had abortions are receiving hope and healing through post-abortion ministries like Rachel’s Vineyard.
- January’s March for Life continues to attract hundreds of thousands of people to Washington, D.C. every year to take a stand for life.
- Abortion numbers and rates are at their lowest levels since abortion was legalized in 1973.
- Pro-lifers continue to save lives and offer life-affirming alternatives through education and volunteerism.
[Adapted from a piece by Maria Gallagher posted on 8-14-2017 at www.lifenews.com]