We at Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation want you to have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have a legal estate plan. And, honestly, we hope that it is one that includes a bequest to ORTLEF to help carry out our mission.
When you name ORTLEF in your will or living trust to receive a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, you make one final gift — your crowning gift — to an organization you supported in life. You declare in your last will and testament that you believe in the mission of ORTLEF to save lives of babies and their mothers, and that you want a portion of your accumulated assets to be invested in furthering the important work of supporting life from conception until natural death.
Does your will work for your family? For example, if your state requires the signatures of two disinterested witnesses and a beneficiary of your will signs as a witness, your will may not be valid.
There may also be concerns if your will conflicts with other estate planning documents. For example, if your will names your spouse as your entire estate beneficiary and yet your insurance policy indicates a different beneficiary, that may present a problem.
An out-of-date will might fail to take full advantage of current estate tax law and cost thousands in added taxes. It also might not reflect major changes in your family life or financial affairs.
Does your will accomplish everything you want it to do? Is it up-to-date? Is it lawful? Do you even have a will?
As always, we urge you to consult with an estate planning attorney or advisor regarding wills, living trusts, or other planning opportunities. Sound professional help will contribute to your peace of mind and that of your family.