Over the past year, pro-lifers in states across the country have worked to pass legislation in their states that protects the lives of unborn babies, the infirm, and the elderly. Here are examples of pro-life victories in these states:
Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson (R) signed legislation making Arkansas the tenth state to ban sex selection abortions targeting baby girls.
Arizona: Governor Ducey (R) signed bills that require babies born alive during an abortion be given medical care, ban research on aborted babies, regulate medication abortion, and restrict state employee donations to Planned Parenthood.
Georgia: The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously upheld a law banning abortion after 20 weeks.
Hawaii: Pro-lifers defeated a bill to legalize assisted suicide.
Indiana: Governor Holcomb (R) signed a bill that increases parental rights by raising the reporting age and providing recourse when a minor is helped fraudulently or coerced.
Iowa: Governor Terry Branstad (R) signed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.
Kansas: Governor Brownback (R) signed a bill that requires professional information about abortionists be available.
Louisiana: Governor Bel (R) signed bills that prevent the sale of aborted baby body parts and enhance parental consent legislation regarding abortions performed on minors.
Maryland: Pro-lifers defeated a physician-assisted suicide law, causing sponsors of the bill to cancel hearings and withdraw the legislation.
Mississippi: Governor Bryant (R) signed a bill establishing a maternal mortality study. Pro-lifers prevented a hearing of a bill to legalize assisted suicide.
Oklahoma: Governor Fallin (R) signed bills that establish a program to promote and provide support for pregnancy resource centers and improve clarity in health care decision making regarding authority to give consent for treatment.
Tennessee: Governor Haslam (R) signed a bill that prohibits abortions at 20 weeks if the baby is deemed viable and bans abortions at 24 weeks.
Texas: Governor Abbot (R) signed a bill to protect unborn babies from dismemberment abortions, typically performed in the second trimester.
Utah: Governor Herbert (R) signed a bill requiring abortionists to tell women about an abortion pill reversal process that could save an unborn baby’s life.
West Virginia: Governor Justice (D) signed a bill requiring abortion clinics to notify parents of a minor daughter prior to her abortion.
Wyoming: Governor Mead (R) signed bills that offer women a chance to hear the heartbeat and see an ultrasound of their babies before having an abortion and bar the use of aborted baby body parts for research.