Precious Pockets

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

lois anderson executive director electIt’s hard to miss fair and festival season in Oregon. It is a busy time for pro-life education! Pro-life booths will pop up all over Oregon filled with interactive displays, models of human development, information about abortion procedures, and compelling video, all designed to draw passersby into the fascinating and real world of human development in the womb.

The purpose of each booth is to educate the public about the humanity of unborn children. But, along the way, we also reach out to those who are hurting from a past abortion. Showing love and care for every Oregonian, regardless of stage of development, is foremost in our minds as we assemble materials and displays. We are making a difference. Every year there is at least one story of a new mom who stops by one of the booths to show the volunteers her baby, who had been in danger of being aborted last summer but was given life because of the displays and materials in our booth.

This year we have upgraded our ubiquitous 12-week baby models with soft models that are tucked into a snug little flannel pocket. Dubbed “precious pockets,” thousands of the tiny pockets have been sewn by volunteers across the state and have already been a big hit at events this winter and spring.

The popularity of the sweet little baby models means we need even more sewn and assembled before the State Fair in August. Sewing the pockets and assembling the package is a wonderful service project. If you are interested in helping, contact Dawn Powers at or 503-463-8563.

precious pockets
Precious Pockets

This entire effort is impossible without volunteers. Volunteers reserve the booth space, raise funds to pay for it, recruit staff, and manage materials and displays. Volunteers staff the booths, gently sharing and guiding all ages through the displays and materials. It’s a big job made easier by many hands and feet. It is also immediately rewarding. You might experience the unforgettable look on a child’s face when she hears the heartbeat audio, smile as a mommy points out the exact size of her unborn child to an excited sibling or proud grandparent, or have the privilege of embracing someone hurting from a past abortion.

If you have never volunteered at an ORTL booth, please consider it this year. There is a complete list of fairs on page 6, along with contact information. If your community’s fair or festival does not have a pro-life booth, please help us get one next year.


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  1. I would like to help with this sewing project, perhaps helping to get a head start for next year..

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