Good News

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

In case you haven’t heard some of the great news lately, we wanted to catch you up!

Good News

  • Colm Willis, Mike Nearman, Werner Reschke, Dennis Linthicum, and Rich Vial, all great pro-life candidates, won their contested primaries. There were other great candidates who won uncontested primaries too. The general election will be fierce but we’re ready to fight our hardest to help all of them win!
  • Last week, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks. Now 14 states have abortion bans after 20 weeks in effect. (Science has resoundingly shown that babies are pain-capable after 20 weeks in the womb.)
  • Live Action, headed by Lila Rose, who spoke at our January rally, produced a series of videos featuring Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, describing abortion procedures. They then showed it to people who formerly professed to be “pro-choice.” After watching the actual details of abortion procedures, many of them changed their position about abortion. We experienced similar reactions to our own video, “Abortion Procedures: Unveiling the Choice.” We highly recommend sharing these videos on social media too.Colm Willis, Mike Nearman, Werner Reschke, Dennis Linthicum, and Rich Vial, all great pro-life candidates, won their contested primaries. There were other great candidates who won uncontested primaries too. The general election will be fierce but we’re ready to fight our hardest to help all of them win!

Around our office, we are getting ready for a summer full of pro-life outreach around the state, specifically through fair booths. Our Education Foundation will have booths at over 30 fairs this summer, reaching thousands of people with education about human development, abortion procedures and post-abortion recovery. If volunteering at a fair booth is of interest to you, sign up to be a volunteer on our website or contact us via this form.

Our PAC staff is also gearing up for the coming general election. So many fantastic pro-lifers won their primary races and they need all the help they can get, campaigning this summer. If you would like to help them, you can email to get connected to a candidate near you.



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